Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On the Heals of TRUTH, Yoli Launches Another Game Changing Product

Weeks earlier than we all anticipated, Yoli has pulled the trigger and launched their new product - the FUN ALKALETE CAPSULES!

So why have the Yoli Founders decided to bring this product so soon? The answer is simple. With the amazing results people are getting from testing early phases of this Alkalete Capsule, Yoli knew they had to bring this product to market as soon as possible. Luckily, they were able to do this because the response has been astounding! And it hasn't even been a full 24 hours since this thing was launched!

What types of results are we talking about? Well, first let us explain what exactly the Fun Alkalete Capsule is.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How YOLI Stacks Up Against Other Leading Beverages

There's no doubt that the Yoli beverages score above average especially when compared to other beverages on the market. However, communicating this hasn't necessarily been easy because you'd have to look up the ingredients list and nutrition labels for the beverages you're comparing.

Not anymore.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yoli Highlight: David Matteson, pHSciences Co-Founder talks about Alka-Plex

As the summer release date for the Yoli FUN Active Blast quickly approaches, we here at Why Blast Caps are giddy with anticipation. And to help explain to our readers why we believe this product will be an even bigger hit than Yoli's initial offering, we'll be posting much information and news on FUN as is available.

Below is a clip taken from the 2010 Yoli Blast Off Convention. It features David

Friday, March 12, 2010

Yoli Focus: ALKA-PLEX®

If there were ever a star ingredient among Yoli's Proprietary Blend, it would undoubtedly be ALKA-PLEX®. And with the all the amazing testimonies pouring in from the pre-release samples of Yoli FUN, this shouldn't come as a surprise. From high school wrestling teams to stay at home moms to Gold Medal Olympians, everyone that has tried the FUN Active Blast, whose primary ingredient is Alka-Plex®, has experienced amazing results.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Name, Same Poison

Some pertinent news from the desk of Dr. Mercola

In the past we've done articles on Artificial Sweeteners and I'd wager as long as they're being used that we'll continue to write about them. I just got this from my colleague Michele Rosborough and after reading it, I'm appalled at the length these companies go to to not only keep these poisonous sweeteners on the market, but to try to dupe us into buying into them.

This is information that everyone needs to know so for your health and the health of your loved ones, please pass this on.
America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change
Posted by: Dr. Mercola 

Aspartame producer Ajinomoto is launching a new initiative that will rebrand the sweetener as “AminoSweet”.
Aspartame is used in many foods and beverages marketed as low calorie or sugar-free. However, its reputation has been clouded somewhat by studies that have investigated reports of ill effects.
Just to remind you, the side effects of aspartame can include:

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