So, what exactly is behind Alka-Plex®?
Well, we first want to make sure that you know that we ARE NOT SCIENTISTS or DOCTORS. We'll leave the technical stuff to the guys at pH Sciences, the geniuses who created Alka-Plex®.
What we do know is that our body systems (especially here in the US) have become increasingly acidic. This is due in part to our diets which for a majority of us consists of highly processed foods and drinks. Now, it has been demonstrated that an acidic body environment encourages the breeding of bacteria, and viruses, which inevitably leads to illness and disease.
One way to combat this is to change over to a low meat high vegetable diet. But vegetables only contain a very small amount of alkaline minerals and one would have to consume a large amount of vegetables to neutralize these acids.
This is why it's important to supplement our diets with an alkalizer and there's none more potent and effective as Alka-Plex®. Just a few things this mineral blend accomplishes are:
1. Reduces the acidity of foods and beverages without damaging flavorAnd as an added benefit it greatly neutralizes the lactic acid build-up in your muscles after a strenuous workout so there's less soreness and a quicker recovery. This is why the Yoli FUN Active Blast has been such a huge hit with athletes of all calibers.
2. Increases absorbency of key nutrients
3. Achieves a systemic alkaline balance in the body to improve healthy aging and athletic performance
I personally am thrilled to have this as part of my daily supplement regimen. I like to consider myself a runner. But after a winter of inactivity, I was hesitant to jump back into my routine because I knew I'd have to deal with about two weeks of soreness. Since I was able to get my hands a case of Yoli FUN, I decided to use myself as a guinea pig. Long story short, I'm four days in, drinking one to two FUN's a day and there's no soreness.*
Of course there's a lot more info about this stuff than we have time to cover. So, for more in depth information on Alka-Plex® we highly recommend you visit And for more information on the Yoli FUN Active Blast, you can GO HERE to read our entry from a few weeks ago.
*Disclaimer: This is a personal testimonial. Results may vary. Yoli products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
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