Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On the Heals of TRUTH, Yoli Launches Another Game Changing Product

Weeks earlier than we all anticipated, Yoli has pulled the trigger and launched their new product - the FUN ALKALETE CAPSULES!

So why have the Yoli Founders decided to bring this product so soon? The answer is simple. With the amazing results people are getting from testing early phases of this Alkalete Capsule, Yoli knew they had to bring this product to market as soon as possible. Luckily, they were able to do this because the response has been astounding! And it hasn't even been a full 24 hours since this thing was launched!

What types of results are we talking about? Well, first let us explain what exactly the Fun Alkalete Capsule is.

Alkalete is a powerful acid-neutralizing compound. CLICK HERE and you can read about the properties and why it's important to have an acid neutralizer in your supplement regimen in our post from March. The things that an acid-neutralizer can mean for you is:
1. Reduces cramping, minimizes muscle stiffness, and removes acid waste - for athletes and fitness buffs, soreness is a way of life. The lactic acid build up after a workout is the root of this muscle pain and stiffness. Alkalete counteracts this lactic acid and the resulting soreness thereby helping you recover faster and more efficiently.

2. Alkalete helps support a health GI track - for anyone who has had problems with acid reflux and acid indigestion, these Alkalete Capsules are going to be a godsend. Already, the testimonials are pouring in from people who have experienced amazing relief from this silent affliction.

3. A pH balanced body allows for better absorbency of key nutrients - Gold Medalist and World's Greatest Athlete Bryan Clay has gone on record as saying that he's stopped taking other supplements because he's receiving all the nutrients he needs from the foods that he eats. And this is all because of the FUN ALKALETE CAPSULE

Yoli believes in this product so much that they've even built a new promotion around it. We're not going to go into detail in this article (here's a hint: BOGO), but if you'd like to learn more about the FUN ALKALETE and the special limited time offer, please contact me HERE.

Or if you're ready to get started so you can begin using the FUN ALKALETE ASAP, click the button below.

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